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El guitarrista y compositor Samir Belkacemi, nos ofrece un programa con composiciones originales caracterizadas por fuertes y novedosas tonalidades, sorpresivas e inusuales modulaciones armónicas y poliritmos, Belkacemi crea un balance entre sonidos consonantes y disonantes procurando un lenguaje ùnico. Inspirado en la música incidental, pareciera que durante todo el concierto, todo el programa transitara orgánicamente, para llevarnos a una catarsis y clímax final. Su concepto armónico es corpóreo, abstracto y subliminal, creando un efecto de orquestación, la influencia de éste compositor, va desde la música clásica, como también el flamenco, jazz, blues, rock, indú, árabe y músicas del mundo. Su concepto es una fusión ecléctica. El Mtro. Belkacemi es un gran improvisador y creador espontáneo, éste elemento se ve impregnado en momentos, en todas sus interpretaciones. Dando como resultado una propuesta única y original. Para invitarnos a la imaginación, introspección y perdernos para encontrarnos, en el Infinito Universo.

Esta idea esta inspirada en el pensamiento pitagórico, Pitágoras consideraba que la esencia última de la realidad se expresaba a través de números. Los números eran el medio para percibir lo que de otra forma podría permanecer inalcanzable tanto para el intelecto como para los sentidos. A Pitágoras se le ha atribuido el descubrimiento de las proporciones de los principales intervalos de la escala musical. Para sus seguidores, las distancias entre los planetas -las esferas- tenían las mismas proporciones que existían entre los sonidos de la escala musical. Cada esfera producía el sonido que un proyectil hace al cortar el aire. Las esferas más cercanas daban tonos graves, mientras que las más alejadas daban tonos agudos. Todos estos sonidos se combinaban en una hermosa armonía: la música de las esferas.

Aclamado en Idaho • Chicago • New Orleans • Albuquerque • Milwaukee • Los Cabos • México City • Argelia • Canadá and China Festivals.



Graduated from the National School of Music of the UNAM, as Mr. instrumentalist on guitar, under the chair of the Masters.; Alberto Ruiz, Fernando Cruz, Juan Carlos Laguna and Nestor Castaneda and others, while studying Flamenco with Twins Moon and the renowned professor and Ruben Diaz flamenquísta disciple of Paco de Lucia.

Samir Belkacemi guitarist offers a program with original compositions characterized by strong and innovative tones and rhythms, Belkacemi creates a balance between consonant and dissonant sounds seeking a unique language. Harmonious concept is corporeal, abstract and subliminal, creating an effect of orchestration, the influence of this composer, ranging from classical music, as well as flamenco, jazz, blues, rock, electronic, Hindu, Arabic and world music. Its concept is an eclectic fusion, creating an original proposal.

Belkacemi has about 80composiciones, among his works is his first feature film "Universe", a fascinating work inspired by the sitar and classical music of North India, Belkacemi achieves this concept, thanks to the method of alternate tunings that the same development has approximately 50 original alternate tunings of his own, with these tunings, Belkacemi created from two tuning systems Standard instrument itself (guitar) and alternate tunings invented by himself, from the structure of the composition, Belkacemi is a great improviser, this element is impregnated in all its interpretations. Belkacemi has had support to spread his work of the highest bodies of culture as; CONACULTA, INBA, UNAM and the SRE where part of the select billboard artists of international cultural cooperation, in 2012 was recognized as the best original work in the VI International Guitar Festival in China by the Foreign Ministry and CONACULTA. (Participation as an artist and jury). He has performed in different festivals and cultural events of government and private, which also obtained awards, to mention a few; Deportivo Isrraelita (2004), Teatro Angela Peralta (San Miguel de Allende 2007, Museo Jose Luis Cuevas (2001), Sebastian (2007) Foundation, Town Hall Theater (New York 2007), Third International Guitar Week Mexico City (2001) , Rodolfo Usigli Theatre (2009), Sergio Magaña Theatre (2009), Guanajuato Festival of Arts (2009), National Museum of the Arts (2011) International Guitar Mexico (2011), Chapel Góticadel Hellenic Cultural Centre (2011) Sonora Tetabiakte Festival (CONACULTA 2010) Theatre of San Jose Cape Town (2012), VI International Guitar Festival in China Invited by the China Guitar Society through CONACULTA (2012), National Museum of the Arts (2012) VI International Festival of Durango (2013), (artist and jury), Botanical Garden of the UNAM (2014), Amphitheater (2011), Museum of the Foreign Ministry (2014), Soumaya Museum (2014), Diego Rivera Museum ( INBA 2014) Recent international performances were in the state of New Orleans, Ilinois EU where he held three successful concerts on 12,13 and June 14 of the year the headquarters were, the consulate of Mexico in New Orleans, and the prestigious "The Old. U.S Mint Museum ".

Acclaimed in Idaho • Chicago • New Orleans • Albuquerque • Milwaukee • Los Cabos • México City • Argelia • Canadá and China Festivals.


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